WordPress is the most popular CMS nowadays.We can check easily what version of WordPress we are using.To check the WP version just follow the steps. First, you need to logging WordPress admin.Just type wp-login just after your domain and it will lead you to the admin panel. After login to WordPress you will see WP version at "At a glance" admin widget and if you scroll down to bottom you will find " Thank you for creating with WordPress " next to it WordPress version will also come up. Here we are using WordPress version 4.8.2. This steps you can follow only if you have WordPress access. There is also many ways to check WordPress version. Method 1: Looking for Generator Tag in Source Code To check through source code just load your website in a tab and right click on an empty space on the screen and View Page Source. It will show all the page codes. Now press CTRL+F and find "generator".If this is WordPress website, you will see WordPr...